Who can vote?

You must be a registered voter in order to vote in the general or primary elections. To register, you must be a United States citizen, be 18 years old by the date of the election and live at your present address for at least 30 days before the election.

Am I registered to vote?

If you are unsure of whether or not you are registered to vote, you can call the Putnam County Board of Elections at (845) 808-1300.

Where can I get a voter registration application?

Pick one up at the Putnam County Board of Elections, 25 Old Route 6, Carmel, NY 10512 or call (845) 808-1300 and ask to have an application sent to you. You may also find registration applications at your Town Hall, local post office, library or motor vehicle office. The application may be downloaded HERE as well.

Can I register in person?

Yes, you may register at the Putnam County Board of Elections, Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. If you do not receive your voter acknowledgment card within 2 to 3 weeks of completing your application, we suggest you contact the Board of Elections at (845) 808-1300.

Do I have to register every year?

No. Once you register you are permanently registered in that county unless you move. Name, address or party enrollment changes may be made by submitting a new registration application.

If I moved within Putnam County, do I need to re-register with the Board of Elections?

If you move you should notify the Board of Elections in writing by completing a Voter Registration Form with your new address.

I just moved to Putnam County from another county in New York State.  Do I need to re-register with the Board of Elections?

Registrations do “roll-over” from county to county in New York State. However, you should notify the Board of Elections in writing by completing a Voter Registration Form with your new address.

Can a felony conviction affect my right to vote?

You cannot register for or vote in an election if:

  • You are in prison for a felony conviction.

If I register to vote, will I be called for jury duty?

Although jurors are drawn from voter registration polls, they are also selected from lists of state taxpayers and drivers license records. This being the case, if you pay taxes or drive a car you will probably be called for jury duty regardless of your voter registration status.

Can the Board of Elections give out my voter registration information?

Yes, as long as a FOIL (Freedom of Information) form is completed, the Board of Elections is authorized to give out your voter information. However, as per New York State Election Law Sec 3-103(5), information derived from voter registration records may not be used for non-election purposes under penalty of law. The Board of Elections will never give out your social security number or signature.

Is the Board of Elections responsible for conducting school elections?

The BOE is not involved with the running of any school elections, each of which is administered by the individual school districts. The involvement of the BOE is limited to the supplying of voting machines, lists of voters registered in the school districts and lists of permanently disabled voters who may be given absentee ballots for use in a school election. Questions regarding school elections should be directed to your school district clerk.


What is a Primary Election?

A “Primary Election” is one in which only enrolled members of a particular political party may vote for the purpose of nominating party candidates as well as elect various party officials. In any election district, if a race is uncontested, no primary is held. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be the nominee of his or her party in the General Election for such office.

What is a General Election?

A “General Election” is an election that is being held throughout the state or country on the same day. Any person registered to vote (in any political party) in Putnam County is eligible to vote in a General Election. The most prominent example is the Presidential election held every four years. Examples of statewide general elections include the races for the New York State Governor and New York Senators.

How can I run for office?

We encourage all those concerned with the well-being of Putnam to become involved in the political process. If you are interested in becoming a candidate, check out the New York State Board of Elections “Running For Office” page.

Who can sign a petition?

Enrolled party members may only sign petitions for candidates who seek their party’s nomination. However, any registered voter living within the appropriate district may sign a petition for a candidate seeking to run as an independent in the General Election provided they have not already signed on behalf of another candidate in that race.

Should I be concerned about signing a petition?

Absolutely not! Signing a petition is an important way to participate in the electoral process and in no way compels you to vote for that candidate. The reluctance of some to sign petitions makes it difficult for those without strong political party backing to get the requisite number of signatures and run for elected office. This hesitancy can limit the field of candidates and potentially lower the quality of candidates available.


Why should I enroll in a political party?

Parties play an essential role in maintaining expediency in our political system. Enrolled party members can help nominate candidates by signing petitions and voting in the Primary Election, giving them more political influence than an independent voter who can vote only in the general election. Moreover, you are not obligated to vote for your party’s candidate in the November General Election.

How do I enroll in a political party?

You voluntarily enroll in any party by indicating your preference on the voter registration form either when you first register to vote in Putnam County.

How do I change my party enrollment?

The voter registration form should be used to change your party enrollment from one party to another. A change of enrollment received up until February 14th each year will be effective immediately. Changes received on or after February 15th until seven days after the June Primary will be set aside and opened the seventh day following the June Primary and entered in the voter’s registration record


How will I know where and when to vote?

When you first register to vote, you will receive a voter acknowledgment card indicating the address of your Polling Place, and the dates of the elections for which you are eligible to vote. In addition, you will receive an annual reminder postcard from the Board of Elections prior to election season. You may also use our Polling Place Locator to find this information.

When are the polls open?

Polling places are open on Election Day from 6 A.M. to 9 P.M.

What do I need to bring when I go to vote?

We recommend that you bring your driver’s license to the polling place. Election workers may need to verify identification if a voter’s signature is not on file, if there has been a change of name, or if you are a first time voter who registered by mail.

What do I do when I get to the polling place?

When you enter the polling place, a Polling Place Coordinator will be available to answer any questions you may have, and will direct you to your election district. At the table for your election district, you must provide your name and address to the Election Inspector, who will then have you sign the pollbook. The Election Inspector will then hand you your ballot.

What are my rights as a voter?

You can find a list of your voter rights HERE

What if I am not permitted to vote?

If your name is not in the pollbook, ask the Inspector to verify that you are at the proper table and at the correct election district. There are several reasons why your name may not be in the pollbook. For example, you may not be registered with the party that is having a primary election, or you may be deemed ineligible because your registration form was not received by the deadline.

If you believe that you are eligible, speak to the Inspector about voting by an Affidavit Ballot or obtaining a Court Order.

What voting machines does Putnam County use?

Putnam County uses the ImageCast Optical Scan Voting Machine.

How do I mark a paper ballot?

Be sure to follow the directions located on the bottom of the ballot. Completely fill in the oval next to your choice with the marker provided. Do not use any other mark such as an “X” or a “ √ ”. Do not write anywhere else on the ballot. Propositions (if any) are located on the back of the ballot. Mark your vote by filling in the oval next to either “yes” or “no”.  If not marked correctly, your ballot may not be accurately read by the voting machine.

How do I cast a write-in ballot?

If you wish to vote for someone whose name does not appear on the ballot, you have the option of writing in the candidate of your choice. To cast a write-in vote using an optical scan voting machine, you write or stamp his or her name in the write-in box at the bottom of the column for that office. Write-in votes for someone whose name is already on the ballot will not be counted.

Can someone help me vote?

If you need help voting, federal law allows you to have a friend or relative assist you. Your employer or union representative is not permitted to assist you. Election Inspectors  at your polling place may also provide assistance.


Who conducts the elections?

Election Workers are responsible for the electoral process at each polling place.  Election Workers are paid positions for voters who are appointed by the Board of Elections. Election Workers are trained and tested each year by county employees in order to ensure competence.

What does an Election Worker do?

Election Workers perform a variety of tasks to ensure the smooth running of the polls on Election Day. Some of their responsibilities include setting up the polling place, checking that voters are in their proper election districts, and making sure the ballots have not been tampered with.

What are the hours?

Election Workers are required to be at the polling place from 5:00 A.M. until all the responsibilities in regards to closing the polls have been completed which is typically between 9:30 and 10:00 P.M.

Can I become an Election Worker?

The Board of Elections is always looking for Election Workers. If you are interested in becoming an Election Worker, visit our Election Worker page for more information.


What happens if I cannot be at my polling place on Election Day?

If you will be out of town on Election Day, or are physically unable to go to the polls, you may vote by absentee ballot.

How can I get an absentee ballot?

You must fill out an absentee ballot application before receiving an absentee ballot.  Absentee ballot applications may also be obtained by writing the Board of Elections or by calling us at (845) 808-1300. Applications may also be downloaded HERE. Applications requesting to receive an absentee ballot by mail must be received by the board of elections in your county no later than ten days before the election. For absentee ballots to be received in-person, applications must be received by your board no later than the day before the election.

What is the deadline for submitting an absentee ballot?

  • For the June Primary Election:
    1. Put it in the mail ensuring it receives a postmark no later than June 24th.
    2. Bringing it to your County Board of Elections Office no later than June 24th by 9pm.
    3. Bringing it to an early voting poll site in your county between June 14th to June 22nd.
    4. Bringing it to a poll site in your county on June 24th by 9pm.


  • For the November General Election:
    1. Put it in the mail ensuring it receives a postmark no later than November 4th.
    2. Bringing it to your County Board of Elections Office no later than November 4th by 9pm.
    3. Bringing it to an early voting poll site in your county between October 25th and November 2nd.
    4. Bringing it to a poll site in your county on November 4th by 9pm.

I’m disabled. Where can I vote?

All polling places are now accessible to the handicapped. Disabled voters are also eligible to vote by absentee ballot. If you have a long-term or permanent illness or disability, you may apply for a permanent absentee ballot. Permanent absentees automatically receive ballots before each primary and general election.

Are military personnel eligible to vote absentee?

Military personnel are entitled to absentee ballots. They can be obtained by completing the Federal Post Card Application. Further information can be acquired from the Department of Defense’s Federal Voter Assistance Program.

I used to live in Putnam but now I live abroad. Can I vote absentee?

Provided that your address prior to leaving the U.S. was in New York, you are eligible to vote absentee in select elections. More info is available on our Absentee Voting page under “Special Federal”.